Beekeeper's Naturals Propolis Throat Spray and Throat Soothing Lollipops

Beekeeper’s Naturals & Using Propolis for Natural Relief

Thank you so much to Beekeeper’s Naturals for sponsoring this blog post. 

Beekeeper’s Naturals is a brand that has been creating a buzz in the natural health and wellness industry with their innovative products, particularly their Kids Throat Soothing Lollipops and Kids Propolis Throat Spray. These products are designed to provide relief for children dealing with scratchy throats, coughs, and other common ailments, all while harnessing the power of propolis as a key ingredient. As a family, we are always looking for alternatives for our kids that allow them to have relief through times of discomfort – like allergy season – but always in a way that is beneficial to their growing bodies. 

Propolis, often referred to as “bee glue,” is a resin-like substance that bees collect from tree buds and sap flows to seal and protect their hives. It has been used for centuries for its various health benefits, thanks to its rich composition of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Propolis is known for its antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties, making it a valuable ingredient in natural remedies.

When it comes to children’s health, Beekeeper’s Naturals understands the importance of providing safe and effective solutions. Their Kids Throat Soothing Lollipops are not only a tasty treat for kids but also a soothing relief for scratchy throats. Infused with propolis and other natural ingredients like honey, these lollipops help calm irritation and provide comfort to children experiencing throat discomfort. As a mom, I am sure you know just how difficult it can be to get children to take anything when they are not feeling their best. These lollipops are an exciting way for them to feel special and also get the immunity boosting power that they need! 

Make sure that you pick them up at Walmart on your next grocery run! It’s great to have for those days when your kids wake up and complain of something scratchy or you hear a slight cough. I love having them on hand in the cabinet at all times! 


In addition to the lollipops, Beekeeper’s Naturals offers the Kids Propolis Throat Spray, a convenient and easy-to-use product that can be carried anywhere for on-the-go relief. This throat spray combines the power of propolis with other immune-supporting ingredients like echinacea and licorice root to help combat germs and support overall throat health. With its gentle formula and delicious taste, my kids not only don’t mind using this spray when they need quick relief, but they actually enjoy it! 

One of the key benefits of propolis is its ability to boost the immune system. By supporting the body’s natural defenses, propolis can help children fight off infections and stay healthy. Did you know that bees actually line their hive with this to keep the germs out!? How amazing that we can tap into sucha beautioful part of nature and be able to use it for our own families. 

See more about them & what they stand for on their Instagram account! 

Furthermore, propolis contains Vitamin B, C, and D, Zinc, and Antioxidants that can help reduce swelling and pain in the throat, making it an ideal ingredient for soothing scratchy throats. Its antioxidant content helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, promoting overall wellness and vitality in children.

By incorporating propolis into products like the Kids Throat Soothing Lollipops and Kids Propolis Throat Spray, Beekeepers Naturals is not only providing relief for physical symptoms but also promoting a sense of comfort and well-being for children and their parents. 


Beekeeper’s Naturals has created a line of products that prioritize the health and well-being of children, using the power of propolis as a key ingredient to deliver effective and natural solutions. I love how I can feel confident in providing my children with safe and reliable remedies that support their immune system, soothe their throats, and help them feel better faster. By harnessing the benefits of propolis, Beekeeper’s Naturals is helping families everywhere buzz with joy and vitality.

Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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