Easy & Quick Foods For Back To School Time

This post has been sponsored by Babbleboxx. #SchoolEatsBBxx⁣If you have been here for any length of time, you know that I am not a great cook. I like to find EASY ways to get my family fed and satisfied while still not compromising on my wellness convictions. ⁣With lots of activities and a new school year ahead of us, I love having fast and simple foods that my kids love so we can grab & go on the way to co-op, wrestling practice, or any other endless activity we seem to have this...

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Practical Must- Haves For A New School Year (That Isn’t School Supplies!)

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx. #Ready4SchoolBBxxWhen it comes to a new school year, there is so much anticipation! New activities, new groups & classes, new friends, and new playdates! With all the go-go-go that comes with a new school year, it can be easy to forget certain things – especially when they aren’t on the back to school list. I wanted to share with you some items that we gathered for back to school season and why we think everyone else should have them...

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Teaching Our Kids “WHY”

The reality of every sweet tiny baby is that they eventually grow up, and as my husband and I are realizing our kids are growing up way too fast! Something we’ve been talking about a lot is the idea of teaching our kids WHY – when it comes to just about anything. ⁣

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“But What About Socialization!?!”

I’m about to say something controversial…⁣⁣My kids being with their friends is not a top priority for us. ⁣⁣Critics are gonna take this the wrong way, but hear me out… ⁣⁣One of the biggest criticisms of homeschooling is that kids need to be with their friends, and socialize. ⁣

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Tips For Homeschooling Little Ones Of Different Ages 

This post has been sponsored by Priddy Books – however all opinions are 100% my own.Homeschooling multiples can be as challenging as it sounds – but it doesn’t HAVE to be that way! One of the most common struggles I think for all mamas is balancing teaching all of your kids – or at least keeping them entertained while you teach the other ones – and navigating how to properly do that! This is our second year of homeschooling and I have a 6 year old, a 4 year old, and a 1 year old – which...

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Why We Decided To Homeschool

Our first week of Kindergarten is behind us & I have to say, we had a great start to our homeschooling journey! The last few weeks as school was starting back up, I had a lot of people in our real lives & online asking me about why we decided to homeschool, what curriculum we were doing, and how it was working out for us. Although it’s only been a week, I can already say how JOYFUL I am with our decision to keep Ryland home and really do school our own way! Even just in...

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The Power of Learning Through Play

As a mom, I am sure you know that amazing feeling of watching your kids learn valuable information, facts, and skills, all just while PLAYING. It’s personally my favorite way for my kids to make connections in their learning because they think they are just having FUN and it makes it the best time for us all. I love finding ways to allow my kids to learn through playing & I am really excited about these TinkerActive Workbooks that do just that! Ryland just started Kindergarten...

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