Tampa Bay Mom Blog

How to Find a Career That Fits Around Parenthood

Finding a career that works for you might mean finding a career that allows you to focus on being the best parent you can be. That’s obviously a big priority for many parents, especially those who also want to dedicate time to homeschooling or just spending as much quality time with their kids as possible. So how can you find a career that fits around your responsibilities as a parent? Read on and find out.

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Be Clear About Your Priorities

Being clear about what your priorities are and what matters most to you should help you find a career that works. Simply jumping into a job and expecting it all to go the way you want to is probably not the best idea. When you’re talking to potential employers, make sure they understand your needs and priorities in terms of how you’ll be working.

Work Remotely

It’s much easier for you to spend time with your family when you’re able to work remotely. You can then travel or work at home with the kids. At the very least, you won’t waste time in the mornings and evenings commuting to and from work. That time can instead be spent with your family. Which can only be a good thing.

Find a Balance with Your Partner

It might be the case that you can find a balance that works with your partner. If one of you works while the other takes care of homeschooling the kids, the balance might work even if one of you is doing a regular 9 to 5 job. But that all depends on your situation and how you want to divide the parenting and earning duties in the household.

Be Your Own Boss

If you’re your own boss, you can deduce what kind of schedule you work and you can stay in control of your routines. And when you grow your business and start hiring people, you can even take a more hands-off approach. Or maybe you just want to pursue a career you love in your own time, such as fitness training or pilates. Visit www.americansportandfitness.com/products/pilates-certification if you want to get certified for that kind of work.

Find an Understanding Employer

Finding an employer who understands your situation and who is able to offer you the flexibility you need will also be beneficial. If you have a boss that’s a little more strict and less flexible is not going to be ideal, on the other hand. So this is something you should always try to keep in mind when you’re applying for jobs and meeting with potential employers

There’s no doubt about it; earning a living and dedicating as much time as you can to your kids is a tough balance. It’s not always going to go exactly how you want it, but if you’re clear about your priorities and work to find the job that fits around your lifestyle as a parent, it certainly can be done.

Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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