Childproofing My Home

Keeping Your Home Safe From Within

Life is busy enough as a mom of 4, and no matter how many kids you have, life can sometimes seem like it’s getting away from you. I am anti-stress in my household, and I say that with all sarcasm, but I do try to keep stress away like the plague. One of the easiest ways to begin to limit the amount of anxious thoughts in your mind and allow for more peace & protection at home is by making sure your house works well for your needs. Each time I have run into a problem that causes additional and unwanted stress, I try my best to find a solution so I won’t have to deal with that again. In today’s example, we are talking about a recent situation I had at home with my toddler that I will not have to worry about any longer thanks to The Door Guardian

The Door Guardian Review

A few weeks back, my husband was out of town, and early in the morning before anyone was awake, I heard out alarm go off and alert me of motion at our front door. Of course, I open the app swiftly to see who is outside, and I see my 2 year old running through our front yard alone! Terrifying, right! Now I get up and run outside screaming his name, only to find him hiding in the backyard. To say I was stressed out would be an understatement. I’m sure you can imagine those few minutes of fear as a parent, and maybe you have been in a situation like this before. You see, I had no idea that my son knew how to open the front door by himself, and had I not had the alarm system on, who knows how long he could have been wandering the neighborhood alone. 

I don’t say all this to scare you, but simply to present where I was at as a mother. I knew that in order to sleep well at night, we needed a solution that kept him inside and that he could not figure out or reach on his own. My husband and I found The Door Guardian and it has been a lifesaver – quite literally. We personally thought that the  3M Guardian Stick on Safety Lock Inswing would work best for our door and our needs and it has been perfect. 

When I say it is easy to install and easy to use, I am not exaggerating! Everything about The Door Guardian has been a breeze and provides child proofing solutions that are not overly complicated. I knew that we couldn’t have something complex and frustrating to open every time we wanted to use the front door, which is why this one is perfect. It only needs to be secured and locked when you want it to be and otherwise can sit open and is still discreet. Attached with 3M, it took just a few seconds and also won’t ruin any door or wall. if you would like it more permanent, it does come with screws, which we did add in our home. 

Tampa Bay Mom Blog

No one should have to wonder if their toddler left the house without them knowing and I surely hope you have not had to go through this too. But The Door Guardian may be exactly what you need to ensure you’re space is protected. Maybe it’s not the front door, but a cabinet full of cleaning supplies that you want secure. Whatever it is, these products can definitely help with easy to use and easy to install locks!


Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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