Image: Online Movers & Storage

Moving Over The Holidays? Try These Ideas!

Shout out to MoversBoost for collaborating. MoversBoost is a marketing agency for movers offering leads and digital offerings.

When it comes to moving, the timing is never easy but it can be even more stressful when it’s over the holidays. For helpful tips to have a smooth experience, there are a few strategies to make it a little less grouchy and a little more holly. 

  1. Plan Ahead: I know this can be easier said than done, but moving during the winter months actually can take more time than you think. Look at the calendar well beforehand and mark off dates of things that you can’t change, such as your rental agreement or your children’s final exams. Figure out a time when you can put some time aside to have smaller commitments such as social gatherings as well. Once those are in place- then you know when you have time to begin packing. 2
  2. Allow For Time: You want to try and pack when you feel your most calm- especially because the holiday time is a chaotic one. A move can take up lots of it and you are likely to slow down with other obligations you wish you were doing. Remember, as you move to Miami work on your calendar, and take time to pack so the days aren’t sleeping away and you aren’t time consumed when you would rather be at the Christmas party. Have your kids help if they can to make it less work for you! 
  3. Multiple Budgets: A move at any time of the year can be an expensive one but when it’s happening during the holiday season, it might be hitting it a bit harder. Additionally, you also have Christmas gifts to consider as well. Create two separate budgets for both spending on the move as well as gifts to ensure that you aren’t caught by surprise during the moving process. 
  4. Use Holiday Boxes: Although it might not seem like a great time, you can save all those leftover boxes that might be coming to your house and use them to help you pack up your things. Ordering them can be a bit costly so ask friends and neighbors if they can save some of their deliveries for you to use too! 
  5. Prepare for Bad Weather: Winter weather can be unpredictable, even if it’s in Florida. iPlan yourself for the worst things like mattresses and couches needing extra help. Consider how to best keep your possessions safe no matter what type of weather is happening outside when you move.
Image: Online Movers & Storage

Hiring a moving company to assist you if you’re feeling the pressure of entertaining and moving during this time might be a wise move as well. If you looking for a company whose trustworthy and reliable, you want to call the best; Online Movers & Storage. They offer a variety of services throughout the Florida area such as commercial, long-distance, and more. These Miami Dade movers are the way to go if you’re looking for a reliable and family-owned business to help you move during a difficult season, especially when the holidays are here. 

Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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