Homeschooling Blog

My Kid’s Favorite Podcast For Making Time More Enjoyable

What do you normally do to keep your kids entertained in the car? I know many people opt for screens – whether that be phones, iPads, tablets, or a car’s DVD player… but I also know that many moms are OVER screen time. In our home, we have designated screen allowance, but when we are in the car, I love for my kids to look out the window and enjoy time just “being”. Once they got used to some quiet and imaginative fun, we introduced what is now their favorite podcast – Melon’s House Party from Wondery Kids!

Melon’s House Party is such an experience. In the words of my 8 year old son, “it feels like you’re watching a movie without watching a movie!” The way that the podcast goes into detail, creates a compelling story, and has such fun and engaging music creates a entertaining ride that makes any car ride seem like no time at all.

My kiddos absolutely love Melon and all the characters in the show. They especially love the theme song, which we usually play over and over again, because of how catchy and joyful it is. We listened to the whole first season and we were really excited for the second season to come out – which we are so happy to announce, is ready! The gist of the show is this… Melon is a puppy who is best friends with all the objects in her home – including Couch! They sing and play all day while the owners are away and get into lots of silly adventures. All the while, Melon is learning all about herself and the world around her, helping our kids who are listening to do the same.

There are new episodes each Wednesday – which works perfectly for us because we listen to a little here and there throughout the week! Each show is around 30 minutes and it’s a great way to entertain the kids while we’re home & doing chores. Passes the time with the amazing original music that is so catchy it will surely get stuck in your head! My kids don’t even miss screen time in the car and that makes me so happy! They get to imagine all the fun characters and still watch out the window and decompress a bit. It is definitely a win-win for me (plus, I love the show too!)

Check out the show for yourself, I am confident that your family will love it just as much as mine has!

Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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