Family Travel Blog

Tips For Family Travel Vlogging

For the past few years, my husband & I have been creating videos to document our journey traveling with kids & it has been such a blast! I know that sometimes videography can be overwhelming & I have received a bunch of questions about how to jump into doing it from other moms, so I wanted to share with you some tips that have worked great for our family and helped us capture some amazing memories along the way! Having these videos to look back on are priceless, so if you have been considering getting into the vlogging game, I say GO FOR IT!

Making the decision to capture your family travels does not have to stress you out or overwhelm you. With the right equipment (which, surprisingly doesn’t need to be as “professional” as you may think) and the right attitude, you can do it! Whether you are looking to grow a YouTube channel or are just saving them to a hard-drive for your personal family use, these tips will work for you.

1. Involve the kids.

When documenting your family, the kids play an important role and often you are capturing this film in order to remember them at this age and stage of life! I have learned over the years that just allowing them to be themselves and not try too hard to overly direct or pose them. The best clips we have are when they are just authentically being them. It has been so much fun to look back at the videos we have created and see how they were and how they have grown. I am thrilled that we allowed them to be them – sad faces, pouts, and all!

It’s also super fun to give your kids control in your vlogs & side note, viewers love it. Kids are so funny and cute and watching their personalities shine are such a great addition to the video and to your memory bank!

2. Get the right vlogging tripod!

Equipment is important, but when traveling, the size and convinience of the product is the most important part! We absolutely love the <a href=”” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>JOBY Gorillapod</a> because it is so versatile and the perfect size to carry around in any bag! JOBY has a wide range of <a href=”” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>vlogging tripod</a> products and accessories, so you might want to have a look at them if you start vlogging yourselves. With this product, though, there is no compromise. Honestly, this tripod is perfect for holding the camera out to selfie vlog or for attaching to just about anything! We love being able to wrap it around the stroller to get our views or even the baby on the clips! It is lightweight and bendable – easy enough that the kids can even use it!

3. Don’t wait until it’s all figured out or perfect.

Nothing will ever be “perfect” so waiting for the moment to look picture perfect or for you to have the most advanced video editing skills simply isn’t necessary. The amazing part about family vlogging is that it is all about YOU and the authentic and beautiful and messy and fun moments that you create together. Trust me, after countless videos created, the ones I love the most are when I can see into the day crystal clear and it brings me back to that time with my husband and my kids. I love seeing their funny faces, messy hands, and even some cries in the background because that’s LIFE!

Are you a family vlogger or looking to get into it!? I would love to see your videos!

Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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