Family Travel Blog

Top Tips for Making Your Home’s Exterior Safe For You and Your Family

While keeping your home safe from within is vital when you have a family, it can also benefit you to make some changes to your exterior. Not only should you ensure your home exterior is secure from intruders, but it is also structurally safe and weatherproof. When you know what to look for and what upgrades to make, you can sleep soundly at night knowing you have made your house as safe as possible for you and your family. 

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Here are some top tips to help you make your exterior safe and secure. 

#1 Check the roof and the foundations 

Your roof and the foundations of your property are vital if you want to know you are living in a safe and secure home. If there is even the smallest thing wrong, then your whole house could be compromised. You should conduct regular checks on the exterior of your home, especially the roof. Look for any cracks, warping, or missing tiles. You can also check the inside of your home for signs that there is something wrong, for example, your home is not very energy efficient, there is cool air circulating your home when the windows are shut, floors and walls are warping, paint and wallpaper is peeling, there is damp and mold present, and more. These are all important signs that there is something wrong with your roof, or the foundations of your house. 

Make sure you enlist the help of a professional, who can resolve any issues for you promptly. This will help save you money and stress.

#2 Weatherproof your home

Weatherproofing your home is one of the most important things you can do to keep your family safe and secure. It will also ensure you can settle during the colder months and not worry about compromising your family’s health. This could be something as small as sealing and fixing any windows and doors that let air through, or replacing them with specialist hurricane windows. You can clean your gutters and make sure they are in good working order, invest in door draft stoppers and install good insulation in your roof and basement. You should also consider any extra changes you can make to your home, especially if you live in a state that has particularly stormy weather, such as bars on your home and extra cladding. 

#3 Install security

With the evolution of technology, you can now purchase a variety of security features for your home at an affordable price. Depending on how safe you want to feel, you can install floodlights that are on a sensor, so if anyone enters your land, they will be deterred by the light. You can also install security cameras around your property and a digital doorbell that enables you to see who is at the door and talk to them. This is a great way to make you feel safe in your home when you have children. 

Investing in the exterior of your home is a great way to make sure you keep your family safe and secure.

Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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