Tampa Bay Mom Blog

What To Do For Your Baby’s First Christmas 

Every baby’s first Christmas is a special one. It’s true they might not (or rather, they definitely won’t) remember it, but you will, so you’ll want to make it something worth remembering. There will be many wonderful Christmases up ahead, but only one first Christmas, so it’s something you’ll want to celebrate as much as possible. If you’re not sure what to do, keep reading – here are some excellent ideas to make your baby’s first Christmas one to cherish forever. 

Photo by Denisova Irina

Take A Family Photo on Baby’s First Christmas

One great idea you’ll easily be able to do, no matter how much time you have or what your budget might be, is to take a family photo. Of course, this shouldn’t be any old photo, and thinking about is definitely a good idea. You’ll want to start with the outfits; try to get everyone to at least wear the same color or go with a theme. That way, when you look back at your photo, it won’t ever look odd or out of place; you can keep it classic and timeless, especially if you opt for Christmassy colors like red, green, and gold. 

Then there’s the background. A great option is your Christmas tree, and another could be a fireplace with stockings hanging above it. If you haven’t got a spot that’s just right for the photo already, take a little time to create one – you can always put things back together once you’ve got the perfect picture. You might also want to add some fun props, like Christmas hats, candy canes, lights, and so on. It’s really down to you how far you go, and planning ahead means you’ll have a photo you love. You could even give it to loved ones as a Christmas gift. 

Choose A Beautiful Gift

Speaking of gifts, choosing a lovely one that your baby can keep forever is a lovely way to celebrate their first Christmas. If you look online, you’ll be able to find some stunning gifts for newborns that, if you choose something made of quality materials, will stand the test of time and be something they’ll cherish for years to come. Let them know it was the very first Christmas gift they ever received, and they’ll look after it and perhaps even – depending on what it is – pass it down to their own family in time. 

There are so many options, so it’s wise to start thinking about this early. After all, buying Christmas presents can be hard enough, but when the person in question can’t tell you what they want (and actually has no idea what they want because they’re a baby!), it’s much more difficult. Think about things they can keep, like a personalized ornament or a decoration of some sort. Perhaps a frame for the photo we mentioned above, or maybe a piece of jewelry or a magical storybook, could fit the bill. 

baby's first christmas tampa bay mom blog

A Memory Box

You’ll make some amazing memories with your child as they grow up, and it’s lovely to keep little souvenirs of what you do; it could be a playbill from the theater, the wrapper of a chocolate bar, a letter they wrote to Santa, and so much more – there’s an endless supply of great things you might want to keep that have no monetary value but are priceless to you. 

That’s why getting your baby a memory box for their first Christmas is a wonderful thing to do. In that way, you’ll be able to keep all those precious bits and bobs in one place through the years and, when they’re old enough (perhaps when they’re about to leave home or get married, or maybe have their own child), you can give them the box once again, and this time it will be full of all the memories you’ve made together through the years. It’s such a nostalgic treat and so easy to arrange that it might be the best option of all. 

A Personalised Ornament

You’re going to want to find something special for your baby as it’s their first Christmas, but they don’t really want or need anything – you’ll already have clothes, nappies, milk, and so on. So what about ordering a personalized ornament?  This can hang on the tree every year, and perhaps you’ll start a tradition where you give them a new decoration each Christmas – perhaps on Christmas Eve, so it’s the last decoration that’s put on the tree. 
Not only are you giving them something they can keep – which we’ve already said is important – but you can turn that gift into a tradition, which is fun and creates memories; it’s everything rolled into one.

Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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