Tampa Bay Mom Blog

Why Get A Tablet For Your Kids?

Many parents are apprehensive about buying a tablet for their kids. Growing up, none of us had access to such devices at such a young age. And there have been many stories of kids becoming addicted to these devices. However, providing that usage is restricted, there can actually be more benefits to giving kids a tablet. Below are just some of the reasons to consider buying a tablet for your kids.

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Teach them tech skills

Being able to use computers and touchscreen technology will be essential for our kids in the future. Tablets can teach kids these necessary tech skills early so that they find it easier to pick up gadgets as they get older. Some studies have even suggested that young kids who use tablets can develop advanced fine motor skills – which can help them to become more adept at all kinds of intricate tasks.

Occupy kids on road trips

Tablets can be the perfect tool for occupying kids on a long road trip. Movies and TV shows can be streamed or downloaded to watch during the journey. You could even get kids excited about your destination by exploring certain types of films such as these summer beach movies for kids. You can also download games, activities and puzzles to keep kids occupied. By downloading information and providing headphones, you can even make it possible to use tablets for watching movies and playing games during flights. Just be sure to limit tablet use if kids get travel sick.

Use it as a fun educational tool

While many of us primarily see them as a leisure tool, tablets can also be a useful educational tool for kids. There are many educational games that can teach young kids maths skills, literacy skills and general knowledge about the world. They can provide a fun interactive method of learning which could be more motivational for some kids than textbooks and worksheets (or used in combination with worksheets). Tablets can even be used to teach art skills and encourage creativity. 

Control what they watch/play

Giving your kids their own device allows you to set parental controls – which could limit which sites and apps they have access to. There are even apps that can track their activity or even set usage time limits. Such controls are much harder to implement on a shared device. All in all, it becomes much easier to control the content your kids are consuming by giving them their own tablet. 

Prevent the need to give up your devices

It can be frustrating having to hand over your devices to kids so that they can be occupied or they can do homework – especially when you may need to use the device yourself. Giving kids their own tablet allows you to continue using your devices. This could mean not having to go without your phone on a long road trip, or not having to give a child your work laptop to study when you may need it for work.

Faithfully Shannan 2022. All rights reserved.

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